
Lincolnshire Show 2013 – Day 2

Lincolnshire Show 2013

Day 2 seemed to have a slower start as regards visitor numbers. However, as the day progressed the numbers seemed similar to the first day.

HRH The Countess of Wessex visited the Show today. After speaking to local food suppliers in the Food Court and tasting local produce, she then had a look around the Schools Challenge which was held in the exhibition hall. She then moved on to have a look at the WiSE (Women in Social Enterprise) stand and the Member’s area.

Here are a few photos:










I would also like to thank The Tractor Shop in Louth for the loan of a quad bike which was a great help during the Show week!


Lincolnshire Show 2013 – Day 1

Lincolnshire Show 2013

Day 1 of the 129th Annual Lincolnshire Show.

It’s great to be back! After a highly successful year last year, I’ve been looking forward to the Show for some time.

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I decided to have my lunch in the Member’s Dining area inside the Epic Centre, which was a two course roast dinner with a selection of deserts. Here’s a photo of my roast (I had chicken, turkey, pork and lamb although you can barely see it as I piled up the veg!):

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Although the day had a cloudy start, the sun soon came out and it ended up being a hot and sunny day.

For Member’s, the Show continued in the Epic Centre and outdoor Member’s area until 8:30pm, with food, drink and live music.

Lincolnshire Show 2013 – Setup days

Lincolnshire Show 2013

Lincolnshire Show 2013 – Setup days!

I’ve never had the opportunity to help out on the Monday and Tuesday before the Show before due to other commitments, so decided to help out this year to see what goes into preparing for the two days of Show.

Whilst my role was technically a Health & Safety Steward, I actually ended up being more of a trade / traffic steward as I was being stopped every few minutes by traders with questions (which I didn’t mind of course!), and ended up dealing with a variety of situations such as directing and guiding people to their stands, co-ordinating site deliveries and holding traffic on site where required.

Here are a few photos showing the gradual setup over the Sunday, Monday and Tuesday in photos:

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Lincolnshire Show 2013 – Stewards Briefing

20130616_145617With just a few days left to go until the 129th Lincolnshire Show begins, all of the stewards gathered today to discuss and finalise the arrangements for the busy week ahead.

There are a number of different stewarding teams with expertise in their own areas, including:

  • Livestock
  • Countryside
  • Horse
  • Traffic
  • Trade
  • Catering, Hospitality and Public Services
  • Health & Safety

Arriving at 2pm, there was time for a quick catch-up with other stewards before being briefed on the week ahead. There was then a 5-10 minute fire safety briefing by the Chief Health & Safety Steward talking about the various types of fire extinguisher and their respective uses.

Afterwards, a buffet of sandwiches, cakes and drinks was provided for stewards.

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