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Want to get in touch? Shoot an email over to adam@adamowendotcodotuk.


  1. Dear Adam,

    Just to let you know that I used your proforma and sent the email as you suggested this morning at 8am for an ebay purchase from the States. By 2.30pm they had waived the fee of £12.

    I am very grateful, many thanks.

    How are they allowed to get away with that? Outrageous!

    Kind regards

    • Sorry, I should have explained it was a Fedex charge.

    • Glad I didn’t just go ahead and pay this ‘ Direct Payment Processing Fee’. I initially thought the text message I received, might be a scam, as it had a link to payment and I’m always a bit wary of these things, specially when you’re giving out card details.

      Whilst researching for possible scams and whether this charge needed to be paid, I happened upon Adams blog. Glad I did, as they’ve now cancelled the charge.

      Simply follow his instructions, using the email template and bingo!

      Cheers Adam.

      Get it up ye fedex!

      All the best,


  2. I used your letter to Fed Ex, to get them to waive the ‘advancement fee’. I sent it off yesterday and awoke this morning to a terse message telling me it had been scrapped and I would not be getting an amended invoice but just to knock off the 12 quid. Thanks

  3. I used your letter and Fedex waived the £12 fee on a purchase made online from US to UK.
    Thanks so much,

  4. I used your letter and Fedex waived the £12 fee on a gift recived from India to UK.
    Last time I paid them £38

    Thanks so much,

  5. I am pleased to say I used your template to fedex and they have dropped the £12 .fee
    Thank you very much .

  6. Hi Adam, used your letter and Fedex have waived the £12. No new invoice but request to pay the VAT.

    Many thanks


  7. Thank you Adam and everyone else. I sent an email to [email protected] and said what you suggested. His asst phoned me up and waived the £12 advancement charge. So it does work if you work it!

  8. Hi Adam

    Received an invoice from FedEx with the VAT amount and what seems to be an obligatory ‘Advancement Fee’.

    Used your template for an email which I sent to [email protected] (with a couple of alterations with the style I tend to write emails in) and it worked perfectly, £12 credited back to me.

    Many, Many, Many Thanks!

  9. Jacqui Murphy

    July 24, 2018 at 9:45 AM

    Thanks Adam, used your template on Friday 20 July, and got a response the very next day, saying they are raised a credit for the £12 and I now have only the VAT to pay.

    I think FedEx are an absolute disgrace adding this ‘service charge’.

    I imagine there are hundreds of people who simply pay it.

    Many Thanks once again.

    Jacqui – Ireland

  10. Dear Adam.

    I just wanted to thank you for saving me £12 I used your template to email FedEx and they have waved the £12 fee.

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

    Alan Maloney

  11. Nice one Adam worked exactly how you said it would. Took the £12 off .You are a star

  12. Many thanks – I sent an email worded as you suggested, and they also dropped the extra £12. Such a rip-off to add a random fee on to the VAT amount – I bet a lot of people just pay it, but always worth a challenge.

  13. salam khadija

    May 23, 2019 at 5:35 PM

    my cousin sent me an used phone as a gift from the states to morocco , he wrote that its a gift and he paid 110 for shippement and now the phone is in my country but they are asking me to pay 300 USD to take the phone . and i honetsly dont know what to do . i cant pay that and now i think i should tell them to give it back to him . what do i do ? help ? is it okay to pay 300 for a gift ?? fedex is so fucked up i reallly don’t get it .

  14. Hey,
    Just worked for me!
    Parcel from UK to Singapore!
    I received an email that one time exception and the fee will be waved off.
    Thank you so much for your advise.

  15. Thanks for the information got my email back from fedex today saying (Having reviewed the above mentioned invoice, we can now confirm that a partial credit of 12.00GBP has been raised.
    FedEx will not issue a revised invoice and therefore we look forward to receiving payment for the remaining balance on this invoice.) you saved an OAP some money.

  16. Carol Thomson

    June 30, 2020 at 5:19 AM

    Many thanks for all your help. Fed up getting fleeced and i’m new at this game

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